Why you can’t get a straight answer on site yield

One of the most common queries we receive is how many apartments, units or townhouses can be built on a particular site. Developers call this yield and it’s important because it helps calculate a project’s potential profit. Calculating yield is not as easy as A + B = C. There are a number of factors… Continue reading Why you can’t get a straight answer on site yield

BCC changes to aged care and retirement accommodation a positive step

Brisbane City Council adopted changes into the City Plan last month in a bid to streamline planning approvals for aged care and retirement accommodation. These changes formalise many incentives and changes that were first introduced by council in 2016 to encourage more of this accommodation type. An ageing population means there is going to be… Continue reading BCC changes to aged care and retirement accommodation a positive step

How do I know if I need a Town Planner?

If you’re embarking on a large scale building project – whether it be commercial, industrial, or residential – it may be obvious that you will need a town planner. But if you are looking at altering or building a home, wanting to subdivide, open a retail shop or erecting some new signage, it might be… Continue reading How do I know if I need a Town Planner?

The pros & cons of Prelodgement

Before you lodge a Development Application with council you can request a prelodgement meeting, at your cost, to go through your plans or development concept. Some councils still offer a free service whilst for others this can come at some expense. So is it worth your time and money? Most councils offer this service to… Continue reading The pros & cons of Prelodgement

When three isn’t a crowd: Rooming Accommodation Overview

**This article is now out of date due to a Qld wide exemption applying to Rooming Accommodation in certain circumstances under the Planning Regulation 2017.** If you’re looking for an alternative to renting to a single tenant or generating income through sharing your house then rooming accommodation could be the answer. It allows you to… Continue reading When three isn’t a crowd: Rooming Accommodation Overview

50 shades of grey: Why your town planner can’t guarantee an outcome

In development certainty is a beautiful thing but unlikely given that its inherently a endeavour of calculated risk. Town planners can be particularly vague and in most cases this should not be confused with inexperience. Their depth of experience in many cases is why they approach advice and constraints the way they do. By the… Continue reading 50 shades of grey: Why your town planner can’t guarantee an outcome

What is the difference between a “splitter” and a “subdivision”?

There is a common term used in real estate and development being “splitter” blocks. This article explores the differences between the two and implications in Queensland. Depending on who you talk to this could mean two entirely different things. Some people mean a site that is already 2 lots but on 1 title, whilst others… Continue reading What is the difference between a “splitter” and a “subdivision”?

Coastal hazard overlay and Brisbane development

Brisbane has experienced many floods since European settlement, with events in 1841, 1890, 1893, 1931, 1974, and most recently 2011. Floods are the most expensive natural disaster type in our country and it is reported the 2011 Brisbane event cost the country’s economy about $30 billion. You can check your property’s flood risk with Brisbane… Continue reading Coastal hazard overlay and Brisbane development

What is the new BCC Community Purposes Network Overlay?

The new overlay is part of putting into action the themes contained in council’s recently published “Brisbane Future Blueprint”. The blueprint includes eight principles and forty actions that were created following feedback from 10,000 residents across every suburb of Brisbane. This Community Purposes Network Overlay code has been introduced to “provide for the assessment of… Continue reading What is the new BCC Community Purposes Network Overlay?

Know what STCA means for your Property’s Potential

You may have come across these four little words in your search for the perfect property: Subject to Council Approval (STCA). Usually these words come directly after claims about future development opportunities on real estate marketing signage or flyers. The reason you see it in real estate marketing is because the potential to develop a… Continue reading Know what STCA means for your Property’s Potential